Google Chrome 39 ( Online Installer ) 800 Kb
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Google Chrome 39 for 64 BIT ( Offline Installer ) 44.3 MB
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Chrome 39.0.2171.65 contains a number of fixes and improvements, including:
- 64-bit support for Mac
- A number of new apps/extension APIs
- Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance
- A partial list of changes is available in the log.
- [$500][389734] High CVE-2014-7899: Address bar spoofing. Credit to Eli Grey.
- [$1500][406868] High CVE-2014-7900: Use-after-free in pdfium. Credit to Atte Kettunen from OUSPG.
- [$1000][413375] High CVE-2014-7901: Integer overflow in pdfium. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
- [$1000][414504] High CVE-2014-7902: Use-after-free in pdfium. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
- [$3000][414525] High CVE-2014-7903: Buffer overflow in pdfium. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
- [$2000][418161] High CVE-2014-7904: Buffer overflow in Skia. Credit to Atte Kettunen from OUSPG.
- [$2000][421817] High CVE-2014-7905: Flaw allowing navigation to intents that do not have the BROWSABLE category. Credit to WangTao(neobyte) of Baidu X-Team.
- [$500][423030] High CVE-2014-7906: Use-after-free in pepper plugins. Credit to Chen Zhang (demi6od) of the NSFOCUS Security Team.
- [$7500][423703] High CVE-2014-0574: Double-free in Flash. Credit to biloulehibou.
- [$5000][424453] High CVE-2014-7907: Use-after-free in blink. Credit to Chen Zhang (demi6od) of the NSFOCUS Security Team.
- [$500][425980] High CVE-2014-7908: Integer overflow in media. Credit to Christoph Diehl.
- [$500][391001] Medium CVE-2014-7909: Uninitialized memory read in Skia. Credit to miaubiz.
Source : Download Google Chrome Browser v.39
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